Things to do keep in mind before starting work as a consultant or a freelancer.

Things to do keep in mind before starting work as a consultant or a freelancer.
Photo by Per LΓΆΓΆv / Unsplash

I cannot take any credit for this article. It is exactly based on a tweet by @HAFEEZOLAMIDE1. I express my sincere thanks to him for such a great content.

I will try to keep updating this.

Do πŸ‘πŸ½ :

  1. Identify the problem the client is experiencing first.
  2. Jump on a call and discuss your client's problems.
  3. Get at least 25% upfront payment.
  4. Know your worth, and charge what you deserve.
  5. At least three months of living expenses saved up.
  6. Sign a contract at the start of the project.
  7. Aim for better and more profitable projects.
  8. Market your services, and expand your network.

Don't πŸ‘ŽπŸΌ :

  1. You are in a hurry to talk about money.
  2. Send questionnaire email to the client.
  3. Start working without getting upfront payment.
  4. Afraid to lose the client and charge a little
  5. No extra money is saved up for the next few months.
  6. Working without a contract.
  7. Working for clients who don't care about your values.
  8. No marketing or networking.